Shameful Vergonzoso

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The two so-called leaders of Brazil and Mexico have not only failed their people but all the folks from the entire American hemisphere.

Latin America’s two biggest democracies are Brazil and Mexico. Their government has not only refused to impose sanctions on Russia for its inexcusable invasion of a sovereign and democratic nation, but they have personally failed to condemn Vladimir Putin's atrocities.

The Invasion Reaction

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War is yet another opportunity for this Russian Communist butcher to continue spreading his infectious disease all over the world.

Ukrainian women are joining the ranks of citizen soldiers as they resist the Russian invasion and fight for their lives. The civilian deaths keep piling up while the potential spread of COVID intensifies, pushing back the gains made in the health of the entire free world. The role of women in combat is often overlooked. Here we see former Miss Ukraine has joined the fight against the Russian invasion. 💙💛

Kremlin Butcher

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The worldwide effort to continue tightening its grip on Pirate Putin will soon see the Kremlin butcher alone in the danger zone.​​​​​​

Buildings at Europe's biggest nuclear power plant are ON FIRE after being attacked by Russian tanks sparking fears of radiation disaster

Russian Jokes

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The world is learning that the Russians are dangerous liars and their own people tell jokes about the government among themselves.

President Ronald Reagan liked telling Russian jokes including a series of categories with fixed settings and characters. These treat the government and their lifestyle as a joke with different topics, including politics.

An American greets a Russian friend: "Hey, buddy, how you been?" Russian replies "You know, can't complain."

The GOP Stooges

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Three Republicans voted against a bipartisan congressional resolution expressing support for Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty.

Republican RIF RAF

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Republican Congressman Wilson once turned into a Dennis The Menace then faced Republican pushback for heckling POTUS Obama.

I am not a registered Republican or a Democrat. I am a US citizen who believes in the American way of Justice for all. in fact, I worked for a GOP POTUS, never having to register that way. 

Addison Graves Joe Wilson Sr. is a 74-year old Republican politician who wrongfully called POTUS Obama a liar during SOTU while serving as the U.S. representative for South Carolina's 2nd congressional district since 2001.

A Former Refugee’s Diary

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This morning I saw kids just like me, a former political refugee, in danger and frightened of the unknown as they flee from Communism.

Woke up today only to find this image of a child fleeing from Ukraine after Russia's invasion. His hand gestures while waiting for a lift towards a new life.

State of the Union

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Pursuant to Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, President Biden will “give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union” 

Lock Him Out

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All of Russia's #MadVlad lies are finally catching up with him and history will wind up not judging him or his followers favorably.

Putin's invasion of Ukraine is not going well and apparently, his war plan does not have enough fans. In Kharkiv, the country’s second city, Ukrainian defenses appear to have repulsed a major assault.

In the south Russian forces have taken territory, but partly by avoiding Ukrainian towns. Around Kyiv, Ukrainian forces have foiled numerous attacks.

Reading Bans

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It is time to push back against spineless mental midgets without a moral compass who are banning books considered literary classics.

What It Means to Be a Writer: John Steinbeck’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech About Slicing Through Humanity’s Confusion. 1962.