NBC News Overnight

Submitted by ub on

Long live “NBC News Overnight” This was the best TV Network Newscast that has ever been produced. We enjoyed the greatest anchors and the finest staff ever assembled by Executive Producer and creator Herb Dudnick, RIP, Herbie. 

My friend and colleague Linda Ellerbee writes -

"Fade in. Fade out. It didn’t go on forever. It didn’t change the world or the networks. All it ever was, was a low-budget, a late-night television program. But it was ours.


Submitted by ub on

I am not a registered Republican, nor a Democrat, but I am a long-time Libra who believes in fairness and always enjoys research. The USA now has 40 thousand deaths and counting. Are we all sick and tired of the lies and hypocrisy yet?

It has been written that when a hypocrite speaks he lies when he gives a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays. Does this sound familiar?

One World

Submitted by ub on

Watch One World: Together At Home TONIGHT A campaign rallying funds for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization. The WHO's mission for COVID-19 is to prevent, detect, and respond to the pandemic. This Fund, powered by the UN Foundation, goes directly to WHO's a rapid response to COVID-19 around the world.



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We wish to offer our most sincere appreciation to the thousands of visitors and global citizens, who are loyal readers that send us remarkable news articles, film clips, videos, and photos. admin@cimages.me Box 147 City Island Station NYC, NY 10464.

Every now and then #CityImages receives something very special, which we are happy to share with all of you. This one is of 3-year-old Matty Pai, who is a pint-size newsie and a #DONews contest winner.

Pursuit of Happiness

Submitted by ub on

“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.” Victor Emil Frankl (1905 – 1997)

Anthem For Our Times

Submitted by ub on

As food pantry lines form all over the nation, "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" confronts a flashback of the Great Depression.

Where Are The Tests?

Submitted by ub on

A diagnostic test is a procedure performed to confirm or determine the presence of disease in an individual suspected of having symptoms or based on other medical test results. This includes a posthumous diagnosis.

Dose Of Closed

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It will not open for the next weeks. Have you, a friend or family had to cancel your plans due to COVID-19?

If so, we’d like to hear your experience, including your loss of funds, including circumstances asking for a refund.

Your response will help push others to give full cash refunds to consumers with cancellations. PLEASE Share Your Story

admin@cimages.me PO Box 147 NYC, NY 10464 imaginus.media@gmail.com

Knock Knock

Submitted by ub on

What, where, when, why, and WHO is there? ‪ Mail-in voting and Democracy is calling each and every one of US.

In journalism, the “'W's” are “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Where,” “Why.” and now "DI"

Our Money

Submitted by ub on

It is our money and our lives that are on the line here. President Donald Trump’s name will be printed on the stimulus checks that the IRS is eventually going to be sending to tens of millions of Americans around the United States of America, in an apparent unpresidential and unprecedented PR scam.

Donald J. Trump is delaying many of your $1200 checks and allowing his signature to be printed on them. While Americans are in crisis, this must be a really cruel political stunt from a petulant man who’s failing our families.