Deliver US From Evil

Submitted by ub on

The United States has a history of debacles, mistakes, and catastrophes. But a POTUS betrayal manages the near impossible. It incorporates all our past failures and then goes a step further by actually placing America on the side of our enemies while embracing their worst characteristics. Have we joined the Axis of Evil?

This is America

Submitted by ub on

As the public hearings continue and witnesses face questions during the POTUS impeachment inquiry about the Trump continually evolving accounts of the dealings with Ukraine, one statement stands out.

This is America... Here Right Matters. That is certainly the truth to power. These words were spoken by an American citizen, an active-duty officer who reported to Congress in his official capacity, Lieutenant is required to wear his uniform with a US Ranger tab, a Purple Heart, and American integrity.

Daze of Our Lives

Submitted by ub on

How many laws will be broken and lies must be told before individuals lose credibility?

Has American leadership accepted lies and disinformation as the new normal?

The most recent chapter is Daze of Our Lives is POTUS unscheduled weekend visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, which has raised suspicions about poor health, despite Trump saying he was merely getting a head start on his annual physical, which could have been performed at the state of the art facility inside The White House.


Submitted by ub on

President Trump has been invited by Speaker of The US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to testify during the impeachment inquiry to “speak all the truth he wants” and not attack witnesses, or call them #nevertrumpers.

The Never Trump movement also called #nevertrump, #anti-Trump, #StopTrump, or #DumpTrump, began as an effort on the part of a GOP group and prominent conservatives known as Never Trump Republicans to practice Donald Trump damage control.

America Needs A Real Captain

Submitted by ub on

When our 3-year-old Godson came over to visit wearing a Captain America shirt, we went and bought him the toy.

I began thinking about this and It became clear that #USA needs a real captain at the rudder. A leader who says the buck stops here and not point fingers in other directions.

Someone who will protect our democracy and stand up to Russia, North Korea, Turkey...


Submitted by ub on

Wouldn’t it be great if this were the case again when all were welcome here in America?

Our nation is increasingly agitated and unless you've been living under a rock, most of us know the horrific data and news stories that follow about hate, violence, and terror, which are threats to #USA. And it has been a terrible time for Americans who believe in the rule of law.

Holiday Hope

Submitted by ub on

A special holiday announcement and a personal request from us at #CityImages.

Are you visiting an incarcerated, shut-in or elderly person during this holiday season?

We would love to hear from you. Please consider sharing your story and sending us scans of your holiday photos and cards.

Make someone happy and it will be returned in multiple ways throughout the coming days. What we need is love, wisdom, and compassion toward one another.

Guilty As Charged?

Submitted by ub on

POTUS is well on his way towards impeachment by Congress. A longtime political adviser has now been convicted on 7 counts. His personal attorney is under investigation for alleged criminal ties to 2 indicted associates and the charges keep piling on.

All the President’s mess could very well be unraveling in real-time. This is not a good sign for a man in charge of America’s well being, including yours and mine.

Impeachment Round Two

Submitted by ub on

US Congress levels charges against individual one, a high government official.

Impeachment does not in itself remove the official definitively from office; it is similar to an indictment in criminal law, and thus it is essentially the statement of charges against the official.

If POTUS is impeached, he must then face the possibility of conviction on the charges by a US Senate vote, which is separate from the impeachment but flows from it, and a judgment that convicts the official on the articles of impeachment entails the official's definitive removal from office.

California School Shooting

Submitted by ub on

A shooting has one student dead, and others critically wounded in Southern California High School. This is just the latest in a string of school shotting around our nation.

At 7:30 this morning a student gunman opened fire at a Southern California high school, leaving one dead and several others injured before he was taken into custody.

The shooting occurred around 7:30 a.m.

It came too close for me personally, as my daughter lives in the vicinity and my granddaughter goes to school in the area. They are safe, Thank God.