80 Million Thanks

Submitted by ub on

The world thanks Americans for casting 80 million ballots for a real president with the experience and valor needed to do the job.

President-elect Joe Biden is the first presidential candidate in US history to win more than 80 million votes and that is a fact.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our #CityImages readers This is a difficult  year for the holidays, so we'll take ideas and feedback on how you're doing this year differently, and what you remain grateful for. Admin@cimages.me Box 147 NYC, NY 10464

  • Thank you for all your hard work on this.
  • Thanks again, we couldn't have pulled this off without your expertise!
  • Thanks 🙏 80 million times

English– Thank you

Spanish– Gracias

French– Merci  

Italian– Grazie

Japanese– Domo Arigato 

Chinese– do jeh, daw-dyeh

German– Danke sehr

Thai– Khop Khun Mak Kha

Korean– gamsahabnida

Icelandic– Takk

Hawaiian– Mahalo

Hebrew– Toda 

Greek– Efharisto