Submitted by ub on

The Republicans are desperate to find anything they can impeach POTUS Joe Biden to appease Trump and his puppet master Putin.

During my first trip to Tokyo, I attended a KABUKi theater live performance in person. It was an unforgettable experience.

Kabuki is thought to have originated in the early Edo period, when the art's founder, Izumo no Okuni, formed a female dance troupe that performed dances and light sketches in Kyoto. The art form later developed into its present all-male theatrical form after women were banned from performing in kabuki theatre in 1629. Kabuki developed throughout the late 17th century and reached its zenith in the mid-18th century.

American kabuki draws on the tradition of woodblock prints, ukiyo-e, from Edo period Japan. The title American Kabuki refers to cover political content. These clowns appear to be hell-bent on destroying America.

Democracy has always been a fragile form of government because it relies on precisely the opposite of what an authoritarian government relies on, namely, a well-educated, interested, and active citizenry. Being well-educated doesn't mean PhDs; it means being able to separate fact from fiction, widely read including history and fiction, and constantly questioning governmental decisions and how they are made. One can have attended school only through the 4th grade and yet be well educated. Interesting means understanding that we survive as a nation only when we recognize and accept that people have different needs and wants and that a nation's requirement is compromising so that everyone gets some of what they want and gives some of what others want.

Being an active citizen means, at minimum, knowledgeably voting because how we vote determines whether we survive as a democracy and a nation. No other form of government is so fragile because no other form of government relies on those pillars being strong; in fact, other forms of government want those pillars to be weak so they can fill in the gaps. And this is precisely what today's GOP is trying to do -- weaken one or more of the pillars of democracy so America can become another failed democracy.

The problem is that the entire Trump family benefited more from the former guy's time in office than anyone else has in modern times.
