
Submitted by ub on

Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani, former NYC Mayor, and adviser to the White House. Who are these two WITS?
The president and Rudy's effort to convince the public that neither POTUS nor his lawyer, Michael Cohen, had violated the law by paying a porn star to keep quiet about an alleged affair might have backfired. Giuliani May not only be a @POTUS stooge but wasn't he the one who tried to make money from his 9/11 connections?

Giuliani becomes an aggressive new face of Trump legal team https://www.apnews.com/20d9a0f6304244859238d1e19af21419

Giuliani returned to Fox News for 8 minutes. It was a disaster again. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/0ea9cb25-53de-301b-aad4-96041c0e6680/giuli…

Rudy Giuliani: Cohen may have made payments to other women on behalf of Trump.

Trump attorney not ruling out his taking the 5th Amendment https://www.apnews.com/e6a91d6c9ec64d5b97c1a207d1bec32a

Giuliani: It is possible Michael Cohen paid off other women for Trump https://wapo.st/2jCe6rr?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.2d711e26292e

Trump says Giuliani needs to 'get facts straight' on Stormy https://www.apnews.com/629a2c23267e474d84dc7f36c5f9a9ec
“Rudy Never Called”: The Trump-Rudy Bromance May Be the Greatest Lie of All https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/05/the-trump-rudy-bromance-may-be-…

Rudy may be a red-faced half-wit who could be adding to the legal headaches of his BFF, new law client, an old pal, President POTUS when he linked hush money payments to a porn actress and the potential fallout if allegations of trysts were to be made public during the political camp pain. “We’re not changing any story,” Trump just said about the Stormy Daniels payment. Giuliani said Wednesday that Trump had repaid Michael Cohen for it. Last month, Trump said he didn’t know about the payment or where Cohen got the money. https://bloom.bg/2rlXRCv

Who can you trust after all is said, denied, done and undone? http://politics.doseofnews.com/

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani: A pair of aging New York goons plot their last big heist https://www.salon.com/2018/05/04/donald-trump-and-rudy-giuliani-a-pair-…

Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani says 'we're going to be OK' on legal challenges https://usat.ly/2rjlxHA

Did Rudy Giuliani just get Trump in legal trouble? I asked 11 legal experts. https://www.vox.com/2018/5/3/17314790/giuliani-trump-repaid-cohen-storm…

Giuliani says Trump reimbursed Cohen for Stormy Daniels payment @CNNPolitics https://cnn.it/2jqlaHT

What Rudy just revealed: Giuliani admits Trump has been lying about the Stormy Daniels coverup for months http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/rudy-revealed-pattern-trump-lies-art…

Giuliani Appears in Veer Off Script. A Furor Follows. https://nyti.ms/2KzHevI

Giuliani's other big admission may be even worse @CNNPolitics https://cnn.it/2HLpmQY

Kellyanne Conway’s husband schools Rudy Giuliani on campaign finance law https://on.mktw.net/2FECEZF

Fox, Hannity earn a scoop they may not have wanted https://www.apnews.com/32742849e08a4fb0acc33dca23d02297

WTF? https://youtu.be/7HQ1nDaxgfw