GLOOMY ECONOMIC PREDICTIONS. Experts Offer Pessimistic Financial Forecast.
Sagging sales and poor profits will appear and Eurozene's financial crisis, with the possible expiration of the Bush tax cuts and future cuts in federal spending are all negative indicators.
UN MEET WITH RUSSIA ON SYRIA. Increased Violence Continues.
UN special envoy consults with Russia, who are top Syrian allies, but are opposed to international military intervention. The rising violence has Russia under increased pressure.
MSNBC DISAPPEARS. Longtime Online Alliance Ends.
The tech giant and the mega broadcaster are pulling out of the joint venture and allowing the world's largest software maker and that network to build its own online news service.
Results from a Pew study indicates that YouTube is becoming as a destination for news, one to which viewers increasingly turn for eyewitness videos in times of major events and natural disasters.
INCREASED HEAT. On street and Campaign Trail.
Heat advisories continue in many states, while Obama continues to turn up the heat on GOP rival Romney's taxes and tout his own 2009 bailout of the auto industry.