AKIN'S REMARKS ABOUT RAPE. Bad For Republicans Better For Democrats.
Obama's campaign wants to paint Republicans as extreme on social issues, Todd Akin’s remarks provide the necessary ammunition.
57 YEAR OLD LEADER DIES. Creates Void In Ethiopia.
Worries that a possible power struggle within the ruling Tigrean elite may throw the country into turmoil in the jockeying for position.
UK GOVERNMENT WEB SITES. Attacked By Anonymous.
Hacking group claims responsibility for attacking government websites in protest against the handling of the Julian Assange extradition case.
MAINE MAVERICK. Shakes Up US Senate.
Angus King, a moderate centrist, is almost 30 points ahead of his Democratic and Republican rivals in the race in New England.
IRAN RE-FLAGS. Oil Tanker Fleet.
Tanzania and Tuvalu are flagging vessels from Tehran, hitting Iran’s ambitions to use these oil tankers to deliver to Asian countries.