Hanging out with Jackie Kyle Kall is always a good time, but having drinks with her on her 88th birthday is sure to define City Island fine.
The 88 year old breaks every mold, including never ask a lady her age. She is happy to share her young age and never passes up an opportunity for a good old fashioned celebration.
City Island Images stopped by her office to wish her a happy birthday, only to be offered gifts from this fashionable grande dame of City Island businesswomen. She drove us to her long time buss-om buddy's home to collect a kiss from and have a drink with Sgt. Russel Schaller, President of City Island Historical Society.
Jackie smiled and told us just how much she is looking forward to riding her bright red convertible along City Island avenue during the annual upcoming Memorial Day Parade.
Jackie is the fourth of generations of lady realtors, has earned numerous credits over the years and received twice as many awards.
Call on Jackie Kyle, who is a seasoned conversationalist and you are bound to expect many uncensored surprises.
Photo: Ron Terner