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We all grow up making life decisions with more successes and fewer failures resulting in lessons that hopefully will allow us to grow.

During the condition of being fully mature, we all walk through the crucial years between adolescence and adulthood. Some of us may choose to work or play, to be straight or gay, to embrace education, or reject it. We can be an optimist or a pessimist, to become a leader or a follower. However, no individual who is a fully grown adult should intentionally break their grandmother and mother’s heart. There is a difference between right and wrong!

Once the damage is done, they should immediately work to repair it, or they may carry the weight for a very long time.

  • Emotional autonomy refers to becoming free of childish emotional dependence on adults.
  • The developmental period of emerging adulthood offers incredible opportunities for growth and change.
  • Behavioral autonomy refers to youth becoming more skilled in self-governing behavior and independence.

Our adulthood is the period in the human lifespan in which full physical and intellectual maturity has been attained.

Adults are answerable for their life obligations, including employment, bill paying, chores, and being as good as their word. We are held responsible for what they sign up to do in both their public and private lives, such as what they say, write, and promises made.

  • Don’t let ego or pride prevent personal growth. Stay open-minded and humble.
  • Make time for nurturing dreams and passions. Self-investment pays off.
  • Prioritize loved ones. Relationships bring life meaning.
  • Protect health proactively. Don’t ignore the mind/body. Prevention is best.
  • Find fulfilling work aligned with purpose. Enjoy the daily grind.
  • Generate inner peace. Don’t wait for external events.
  • Communicate honestly, even if it is difficult. Truth builds trust.
  • Keep perspective. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  • Learn from failures, then move on. Dwelling breeds regret.
  • Develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Grow maturity.
  • Value loved ones deeply. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
  • Discover your actual values. Seek meaning, not just money.
  • Appreciate the present; don’t just plan the future.

Embracing the hard-won wisdom life grants through experience allows for growth, fulfillment, and living without regret. We can evolve positively by developing self-awareness, nurturing relationships, aligning work with purpose, protecting health, and generating inner peace. Heeding these lessons helps us avoid common pitfalls and become their best selves sooner rather than later.

May the following tunes flood your mind with thoughts

TURN, Turn, turn around it is not too late,

Time Passages