POTUS traveled to Hawaii bringing needed assistance and supporting the local island residents of Lahaina in Maui.
Biden visited Maui after devastating wildfires. https://cimages.me/content/LAHAINA-PARADISE-LOST - The President was met with grief over relief efforts. POTUS arrived with federal support and offered sincere empathy, as the consoler in chief. which was more than the paper towels the former guy threw at the devastated Puerto Rican natives.
Maui confronts the challenge of finding more than 800 missing people after the deadly wildfires https://apnews.com/article/maui-fire-missing-list-lahaina-e6909a2be7860…
Biden’s experience with personal loss has burnished his reputation as empathizer-in-chief. But he's faced criticism for his response to Hawaii's wildfire relief efforts https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/08/21/biden-visits-ma…
Biden tours Maui's 'overwhelming' wildfire devastation, pledges long-term support.
President Joe Biden and Hawaii Gov. Josh Green embrace amid the burnt-out remains of Lahaina's Front Street, where Biden promised the people of Hawaii that the country will "do everything possible to help you recover, rebuild and respect your culture and traditions." https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/08/21/Biden-visits-Maui/1651692595…
In Hawaii, concerns over ‘climate gentrification’ rise after devastating Maui fires https://apnews.com/article/maui-hawaii-fire-climate-gentrification-hous…
In Maui, Biden sees 'long road' ahead in recovering from deadly wildfires https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-heading-maui-console-wildfire-su…
Update: President and First Lady visit Maui town devastated by wildfire