Submitted by ub on

Throughout our lives, we encounter forces that guide, protect, and nudge us in the right direction. These are guardian angels. They manifest in various forms, often as blessings in disguise, especially during challenging times.

My mother used to say "Everything happens for a reason," and now so does my wife. I firmly believe this extends to the things that happen to us and the folks who enter our lives. Whether they stay for a long period or momentarily, each person we meet plays a role in our journey.

Gabriel is the Archangel of communication, new beginnings, and strength. Gabriel will bring you inspiring divine messages to assist you in finding your highest calling.

Archangel Metatron is a Divine record keeper and a powerful spiritual teacher. Often called the “Angel of Life” Metatron offers a link between Heaven and Earth and works around the clock to help those who are ready and willing, to align with their highest and best possible path.

Archangel Michael is a powerful Archangel of protection. Michael oversees guardian angels, and he will help you to release lower energies of fear or worry so that you can open to experiencing the incredible love and light of the Angelic Realm and live a fun, fulfilling, and passionate life.

Archangel Raphael is the main archangel overseeing healing for Earth's living beings. He is a well-known and incredibly powerful angelic being, ready, willing, and waiting to connect with you directly if you so desire.

They could be the embodiment of our guardian angels, present to teach us, guide us, or even push us towards our destiny, sometimes with a gentle nudge, other times with a forceful shove. Our angels are there to ensure we stay on our path, especially when we stray or face obstacles that seem insurmountable.

They remind us of our strength, our purpose, and our potential. They are the unseen hands holding us during our weakest moments and the whispering voices celebrating our triumphs. I'm so grateful for all the guardian angels that have come through and the ones I've yet to meet. Do you believe in Guardian Angels?

As a male Hispanic, I enjoy teaching Spanish to my female Asian wife. I explained that angels are male. She asked about North, South, East, and West, and to her disappointment she responded - I don't like the language anymore. Finally, I went on to explain the meaning of the word machismo... And so it goes.
