A phrase dating back to the 1400s, “liar, liar, lick-dish!” The idea was that the individual lied as fast as a dog can lick a dish.
Over the next several hundred years, the phrase evolved through literature. Numerous versions included Liar and Fire, but none had pants.
It was in the 1930s that the words we’re familiar with came to be. It was first printed in the Sunday World-Herald in 1933 as a quote from a promoter.
Did you know there’s more to the saying than simply “Liar, liar pants on fire?” The whole expression is, “Liar, liar pants on fire. Nose as long as a telephone wire.” However, most of us only recognize the first portion of it.
The part that often gets cut off is a tribute to the story of Pinocchio. Remember him? The boy that Gepetto carved from wood.
The wooden creation had a nose that would grow with every lie he told. On the other hand, when he told the truth, it shrunk to its average size.
Another version takes it further and adds, “While you’re there, cut your hair and stick it down your underwear.”
However, it probably was shortened after children were too afraid of getting their mouths washed out with soap from their parents.
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