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13 presidential libraries from Hoover to Obama are warning American voters of the increasingly fragile state of U.S. Democracy.

Presidential Libraries of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan and More Warn About State of US Democracy in First Ever Joint Statement…

Presidential libraries call for unity and respect for US democracy in an apparent attack on Trump. Democracy is in 'disarray' and must be protected, 13 institutions warn in a joint statement that appeared to take aim at Donald Trump…

“A House In Disarray”: 13 Presidential Libraries, Including Those Of Obama, Reagan & Kennedy, Issue “Urgent Call To Action For All Americans”…

Concern for U.S. democracy amid deep national polarization has prompted the entities supporting 13 presidential libraries dating back to Herbert Hoover to call for a recommitment to the country’s bedrock principles, including the rule of law and respecting a diversity of beliefs.…

Presidential centers unite to warn about the danger to U.S. democracy…

Presidential centers from Hoover to Bush and Obama unite to warn of the fragile state of US democracy

Concern for U.S. democracy has prompted the entities supporting 13 presidential libraries dating back to Herbert Hoover to call for a recommitment to the country’s bedrock principles. 

Presidential centers concerned for US democracy

Thirteen US presidential centers dating back to Herbert Hoover made a joint call for the country’s recommitment to democratic principles, including the rule of law and respecting a diversity of beliefs.…

The Demon to Democracy appears to be the work of a criminal, a cynic, and a sore political loser who refuses to accept defeat. The demon is a malevolent being between the transcendent and temporal realms. Throughout the history of religions, varying kinds and degrees of beliefs have existed in various spiritual beings, powers, and the profane realm of time, space, and cause and effect. Such beings are those viewed as malevolent and are termed demons. 

Meanwhile, the US Presidential Library system is a nationwide network of 15 libraries administered by the Office of Presidential Libraries, which is part of the National Archives and Records Administration.

Trump and the Republicans refused to accept the outcome of the last election. They challenged the results that were tried and tested in the courts. Now they want American voters to let them try again? Trump and his 147 #MAGARepublicans broke the law.

They know it, and everyone in America also sees through these crimes. Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, and New Hampshire have moved to disqualify Trump from trying to once again try to deny our democratic process. MILLIONS of American taxpayers want him to be tried and convicted for his crimes. ... Meanwhile, the GOP  continues to deny, and delay the judicial process.