POTUS is now above the law by SCOTUS. What's to prevent him from locking Trump up by declaring him an enemy of the people?
What if King Biden the First refuses to abdicate the throne that has been bestowed upon him? Decency, honor, and commitment to old-fashioned American democracy will. But .#SCOTUS trashed all of those. We should play by the new rules; the #GOP will.
The Republicans break the law, so Joe should consider his new powers handed to him today.
This SCOTUS ruling makes their choice a much bigger deal. No morals, no scruples, no justice. Did they read the constitution they took an oath to serve, protect, and defend, or are they also “What’s in it for me” Republicans?
Trump can not ever be the POTUS Because we don’t have any safety rails to protect the US from this national threat.
The only way to prevent this from ever happening We can only put people in the White House who won’t abuse their power
One guy won't. One guy will. Buy I’ll point to a woman to save the day. Call her President AllMighty. Michelle. https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/only-michelle-obama-bests-trump-alternative…
Extra care must be taken because Donald will put us at risk of it happening he is a less safe candidate after this ruling today
This is the reason he can’t be allowed to be POTUS. This disqualifies him as a valid choice.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Defeated Nazi Germany from a Wheelchair. Joe Biden Is Defeating Russia While Being a Bad Debater.
American presidents aren't athletes. They're leaders.