Embrace Leadership

Submitted by ub on

It's easy to get bogged down and feel like you are too busy to vote. With bills to pay, tasks to complete, and taking care of ourselves.

Before voting for destruction, my best advice to having no political affiliation. Before casting a ballot for @TheDemocrats @GOP or any other political party, make sure they respond to others the way they wish to be treated.

#DONews http://Lifestyle.doseofnews.com #DOSEOFNEWS #WeThePeople #USA http://politics.doseofnews.com

Our lives may feel like a repetitive. But, if we change our perspective just a little bit, maybe we'll see things in a more positive way, according to my wife and as my mom used to say. And we all know that most women are smarter than men.

This image may show us just how much things change once we're willing to adjust our perspective. Don't tell folks what to do, take the time to show them how to accomplish the chosen task.
