Submitted by ub on

It was as if I was reeling out the years and flashing to my early days listening to Fidel Castro’s lies about assassination attempts.

Like Castro, the former guy went on forever about his movement, then on the Republican’s bullet that hit his ear which could just as well have been his rear as a cheap exaggeration attempt just to grab the spotlight and spread fear.

Before We go any further, where is his last VP? Oh yes, the mob tried to hang him after their master’s rejection. Take a good look at the picture which is worth a thousand words. These two don’t give a crap about you. Are they being paid in Russian Rubles to destroy Democracy?

Let's break down some of the key points:

FascistCon24: There appears to be an accusation that Trump lied about being hit by debris rather than a bullet and that this fits into a pattern of dishonesty. This incident seems to have been a significant moment during a political event.

Political Pivot and Unity: There was an expectation of Trump pivoting in his acceptance speech, but instead, he reportedly demanded that charges against him be dropped in the name of unity. This action is seen as contradictory to the idea of bringing people together.

Exploitation of a Firefighter's Death: Trump allegedly brought the uniform of a firefighter killed at his rally on stage, treating it almost like a religious icon. There's criticism that this gesture was mishandled, including misspelling the firefighter's name.

These points reflect a critical view of Trump's actions and statements, accusing him of dishonesty, exploitation, and political maneuvers that may not align with expectations of ethical behavior or leadership. The language used suggests strong disapproval and frustration with his actions and their perceived impact on public perception.

The speech was the longest I can recall in my lifetime, but unlike Castro's criminal lies, Trump’s could be described as a festival of whites.

The message left me confused. If the top of the GOP have each chosen foreign wives, when do mass deportations begin, and who specifically gets deported? Like Castro’s Cuba, will there be a brain and labor drain if snark Americans elect a convicted felon?

On Christian beliefs, cultural prejudices, immigration policy, and historical perspectives in the United States. Here’s some food for thought.

Christian Believers and Cultural Prejudices: Christian believers often reflect their society's prevailing cultural biases and worldviews rather than undergoing a genuine transformation in their attitudes or consciousness. This can be interpreted as a critique of how deeply ingrained societal prejudices can influence religious communities.

Immigration Policy: The idea of adopting immigration policies that could potentially harm families in the United States for a long time. It also highlights the historical context of racial and religious motivations behind opposition to immigration, emphasizing the economic benefits of immigration to the United States.

Historical Perspective on Immigration: It argues that immigration has been a cornerstone of America’s economic success and that a hostile stance towards immigration has historically been a losing position. The reference to Native American land raises ethical questions about who has the right to decide immigration policies and inhabit the land.

Critique of Political Positions: The Republican Party's stance on immigration, suggests that adopting a hostile approach could be detrimental, given America's history as a nation built by immigrants.

1. Don the convicted felon referred to his friend as the "late great Hannibal Lecter."

2. He commended Hungary’s authoritarian leader Viktor Orban.

3. He claimed North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un missed him.

4. He criticized the UAW Union.

5. He referred to COVID-19 as the “China Virus.”

6. He suggested he was buying votes in Wisconsin.

7. He mistakenly praised former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, thinking he was still in office; the current Governor is, Democrat Tony Evers.

8. He announced plans to “take over the Auto Industry.”

9. He called Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy.”

10. He expressed a desire to hold the next Republican Convention in Venezuela.

11. He spread misinformation about the 2020 election.

12. He boasted that the Taliban called him “your excellency” and implied they don’t extend the same respect to President Biden.

Overall, we challenge readers, particularly Christians, to reconsider their attitudes toward immigration and to reflect on how societal prejudices can influence their beliefs. It also critiques political positions on immigration through a historical lens, advocating for policies that are inclusive and mindful of America’s immigrant heritage.

At least one educator asks… 

Why are white Democrats and white heads of corporations who support the Democratic Party pushing Biden away? 

What I don’t get is that none of them mentioned Kamala Yes as a substitute for Biden. I think the white elephant in the room is that nobody is speaking about the underlying racism that one also finds among the white Democratic caucuses. The black caucus stands solidly behind Biden, and if the Party doesn’t pick Kamala Harris and continue pushing away Biden plus Kamala, there will be a for the Democratic Party from which they will never come back. Racism is rearing its head among white politicians. I haven’t heard anybody mention this.

Finally... Here are the dirty half-dozen speech points.

Religious Rhetoric: Trump reportedly emphasized God being on his side and spoke about the grace of God saving him, which contrasts with criticism of his other statements and actions.

Blame and Division: He allegedly blamed Democrats for violent rhetoric and an assassination attempt against him, which some perceive as deflecting responsibility and promoting division.

Targets of Criticism: Trump's speech purportedly attacked a wide range of targets including Joe Biden, Democrats, immigrants, specific countries like Cuba, China, and Iran, various groups like trans people, and technologies like electric vehicles and windmills.

Misinformation and Falsehoods: Criticism includes accusations of spreading lies about climate change, crime rates, immigration, the economy, international affairs like Afghanistan and Ukraine, and his achievements as President.

Narcissistic Tone: The speech is described as heavily focused on Trump himself, with numerous references to "me," "I," and "my," suggesting a self-centered narrative.

Rhetorical Techniques: Trump reportedly invoked religious and historical figures, like the Founding Fathers and Ronald Reagan, and used rhetoric to appeal to emotions like fear, anger, and false hopes.

Tin Foil Hat https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=los9WulxBjM&pp=ygUadGluIGZvaWwgaGF0IHRvZG…