Welcome to one nation as Senator Bernie Sanders says rapidly becoming an oligarchy run by billionaires out to steal tax dollars.
I have no political affiliation but as an independent voter I am concerned about the land of the free and home of the brave, while the rest of the developed nations of the world enjoy universal healthcare, free education, more paid vacation time than any of us receive… etc.
“We are moving rapidly into an oligarchic form of society. Never before in American history have so few billionaires, so few people, have so much wealth and so much power,”
“Never before has there been so much concentration of ownership, sector after sector, power of Wall Street,” he continued. “And never before in American history — and we better talk about this — have the people on top had so much political power. We can’t go around the world saying, ‘Oh, well, you know, in Russia Putin has an oligarchy.’ Well, we got our oligarchy here too.”
The GOP billionaires chosen by Trump to serve in his oligarchy have a combined wealth of at least $383 billion, a number higher than the GDP of 172 nations.
How did American voters chose to move from We The People to Me, myself and I forgot all that people nonsense?