Submitted by ub on

So there's this New Yorker who abandons that State for Florida because he's won millions in the #MegaLottery and wants to avoid New York’s unfair taxes. So he goes to see Ron DeSantis’s Surgeon General in Tallahassee --who is impressed by the great amount of money the man has— and he tells the doctor what he wishes to do with some of this money.

The New Yorker desires to become a DeSantis supporter! Then the man asks the Surgeon General if he can help somehow. The Surgeon General asks him to remain in the waiting room until he consults with his colleagues to see what they can do to help him. So he meets with some of his colleagues and together they decide that, indeed, they can help the New Yorker. The Surgeon General goes back to the New Yorker and tells him they have a surgery known as a partial lobotomy that will make him a committed DeSantis supporter. The New Yorker agrees.

After the surgery, the man is taken to the recovery room, and when he wakes up, he finds himself surrounded by a passel of Florida doctors. The surgeon, who looks somewhat worried, tells the man that they've made a calculation error, thus removing much more brain tissue than he had planned initially. The New Yorker looks around at all the people crowded into his room and yells as loud as he possibly can, "Trump for President!!!"

The Professor
