GOP HATE Spreader

Submitted by ub on

What is going on with Republicans' progressively deranged Communist propaganda about the Hunter Biden bio lab conspiracy theory?

Do #Putin’s go-to liars think it’s just the right kind of toxic waste that may put #TwiceImpeached #OneTerm #LoserTrump back on top?

The dangerous spread of hate through public discourse and social media has “democratized” access to information by enabling more diverse voices and providing viewpoints on wars, humanitarian disasters, and historic political events by perhaps prompting questions about traditional media in this period of evolution.

Hate trickles down. And can be traced to someone at the top. You see this at schools, jobs, and on sports teams.

Hate is insane and contagious. We should be aware of liars talking crap and how free others then become copycat haters and do the same.

Behind most abhorrent behavior lurks deep insecurity. Beware of those who surround themselves with people with horrible characters and limited talent. This flows from insecurity. 

Don’t be delusional about our species. It is so tempting to try to see a path for someone who is routinely selfish or petty or untrustworthy to change. Most fully formed humans are kind and loving folks. 
