Submitted by ub on

The word from Donald Fraud is for MAGA Republicans to keep the US border out of order for another year so he can take credit.

The proposed bill that makes the GOP political pawns in Orange Bofuun's game, legislation he did not help write and has nothing to do with appropriates $60.1 billion in military aid to Ukraine, $14.1 billion in security aid for Israel, and $10 billion in humanitarian aid for Palestinians, Ukrainians, and other civilians in crisis.

It also invested about $20 billion in securing the southern border of the U.S., money to be used in hiring new officials, expanding detention facilities, and increasing the screening abilities of border agents to detect illicit fentanyl and other drugs.

Other provisions would trigger border closures if the volume of migrants climbs past a certain number and makes it more difficult to qualify for asylum. At the same time, the measure offered more pathways to citizenship and more work visas.

But it appears #MAGA Republicans never intended for such a measure to pass. They thought that demanding that Congress agree to a border measure, which it has not been able to do now for decades, would kill the national security bill altogether. Certainly, once news began to spread that the negotiators were close to a deal, both former president Trump and House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who said he was conferring with Trump, came out strongly against the measure even before anyone knew what was in it.

Trump and MAGA Republicans have been drumming up hysteria about the border as an issue before the 2024 election in part because they have very little else to run on. Voters are angry at the Republicans’ restrictions on abortion—especially in Texas, which has had some high-profile cases—and the economy is too strong for Republicans to get much traction by attacking it, especially as the numbers under Biden are dramatically stronger than those under Trump.
