Here's a hard, revolutionary, progressive, younger winning ticket for Democrats. Vice President Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama.
i continue to support President Joe Biden who has defiantly vowed to keep running for reelection, rejecting growing pressure from within his Democratic Party to withdraw after a disastrous debate performance raised questions about his readiness.
“I am running. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out,” Biden said, according to a top aide who posted his comment on the X social media platform.
However, asthe proud father of two wonderful women, grandfather of four great gals, and on the heels of a conservative conference that was dedicated to an entire "cat fight" panel by attacking the two most prominent Black women in Democratic politics. Here is a ticket that the majority of Americans will undoubtedly support.
Vice President Harris is running closer to former President Trump than President Biden is, according to a new poll.
The CNN poll released Tuesday found that 45 percent of registered voters would support Harris in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. She is 2 percentage points behind the former president, who received 47 percent support in a head-to-head contest with Harris. Five percent of respondents said they would choose someone else.
Kamala Harris has been the country’s first female vice president, and also the first woman of South Asian descent, and the second Black woman to be elected to the Senate. Like the rest of the possible substitutes, the fact that she looks good on TV plays in her favor while working against her are several public errors at the beginning of her time in the White House, as well as what her detractors call her ultra-progressivism.
Michelle Obama is an author, attorney, and wife of former President Barack Obama has a double-digit lead over Trump, 50 percent to 39 percent, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll.
The new poll also finds that 56 percent of voters, including a third of Democrats, want Biden to drop out of the race amid growing concerns over his age and cognitive health, which were exacerbated by last week’s muddled performance at his debate with Trump.
Or if not Obama then Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The 52-year-old governor of another pivotal state remembered for the closure of the state’s economy during the pandemic, in open defiance of the Trump Administration has quickly risen through the ranks of well-known Democratic leaders. Last year she created a national political group to position herself for 2028. Like Harris, Whitmer has not yet expressed an interest in stepping forward at this time and has maintained her support for President Biden after the debate.
Finally, yet another poll finds that 46 percent of US registered voters, including 19 percent of Republicans, want Trump to drop out. https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-atrocities-1-1…