Submitted by ub on

I wondered when the other shoe would drop. First Maria Elena Salina left Univision and Jorge Ramos is now leaving the SIN network.

A menudo me preguntaba cuándo caería el otro zapato. Primero María Elena Salina salió de Univisión y ahora Jorge Ramos sale de la ex Cadena SIN.

It was many years ago, three decades to be more precise that I was recruited from NBC News to become the youngest Televisa News executive to rebrand the Spanish International Network and turn around the fledgling news broadcasts. Our younger Mexican-American anchor team of Salina and Ramos from California was just what Professor Soto needed to get the job done. The network was broadcasting from Miami with Cuban-American presenters Godoy and Rodriguez from Florida. We changed everything with a move out west to California. First in Hollywood and later to Laguna Beach.

Now, Jorge is also saying Adios y Hasta La Vista! There goes the news neighborhood.

Jorge Ramos, one of America's most consequential Latino journalists, is leaving Univision

Ramos has been a staple of Spanish-language journalism in the U.S. since the 1980s.


Jorge Ramos To Exit Univision By The End Of 2024 After 40 Years


Perhaps it is time for a new generation to inherit the UNIVISION anchor desk. May I suggest  Tony Oquendo and Paola Ramos? These are their talented children, who are forging ahead in today's media landscape. 

There is, thankfully, another side to archor chair detective work. Ricardo Celis. Bryant Gumbel, Jim Lapley, and Keith Olberman were all sportscasters before they morphed into News anchors.

María Elena Salinas co-anchored Noticiero Univision with Ramos. Salinas has also worked as a radio analyst, syndicated columnist, and author. She helped found the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and launched a scholarship for Hispanic students. Salinas and Ramos received the Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012.

Jorge Ramos co-anchored Noticiero Univision with Salinas for many years. Ramos has been a prominent figure in Hispanic journalism and is sometimes compared to Walter Cronkite for his long tenure and influence on viewers. He has also hosted Al Punto, a weekly Sunday public affairs program, and America with Jorge Ramos on Fusion TV. Ramos is leaving Univision.

