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This from Macbeth, means that life is brief. In comparing life to an actor who "struts" for only an hour upon the stage and then "is heard no more,"

Macbeth is commenting on the fleeting nature of life. Macbeth then compares life to a story told by an "idiot," meaning that life has no more significance than an idiot's pointless rambling. Macbeth speaks these bleak words shortly after learning of his wife's death.

Lady Macbeth, who has been removed from the "Stage" of life and cannot participate in the remaining events of the play. 

Macbeth has become so numb because of his own terrible actions he can't even react when his wife dies. All he can do is comment on how meaningless life is. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more.

Macbeth is complex play, filled with symbols that help develop the plot and themes. Blood, sleep, and weather are three major symbols found in the play that we will discuss in this lesson.

What is the moral of Macbeth and why did Shakespeare write the play? The Moral: Don't kill the King to steal his throne, then murder everyone you think is a threat, and depend on three tripped out hags in the wood to tell you everything will be OK

Well, first, “Macbeth “ is a play, not a novel. Second, it also is not a fable, which is the only literary form that has a moral. What you’re really asking is “what is the theme of Macbeth?”, and there are a whole lot of answers to that.

Macbeth, written about 1605, is the last of Shakespeare's plays in which this theme of players on a world stage appears