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WARNING Big tech and AI Artificial Intelligence can negatively rewire our children’s brains unless parental guidance is applied.

On this Father's Day Weekend, I am truly blessed to have wonderful kids, and amazing grandchildren and to be able to write about it.

I don't write for approval. I'm not monetizing my posts, and not running for office, so I will continue to write, influence, and provoke conversations on media outlets. If it’s inappropriate then don’t read it because it is easy to block me or delete it.

I will voice opinions on war, religion, government, policing, history, human behavior, stupidity, and anything else that attracts my interest. Those who politely disagree are welcome to respond and engage me in debate or dialogue. I welcome it and may learn something new.

I write to inform, educate, or entertain because I believe what I am sharing is true. I also think I can put into words what others less eloquent may not wish to or cannot. Although I don't claim to speak for anyone I am reassured when some tell me I have voiced their thoughts and opinions accurately.

Most of us have many pressing priorities, we fail to see the dangers that are growing on the edges of our lives. Autocracy, extremism, division, dishonesty, media control, the abuse of power, and the suppression of free speech, are all happening while we worry about our lives, family, or finances. We are often overwhelmed with information and are unable to identify crucial information. I offer a few flakes of sparkle that I hope will be enough to open our eyes and allow us to ask the same questions and prove that we are not alone.

My main source of income from my early retirement is teaching communication and multilingual media consulting. 

If you want to help me to continue writing, questioning, and provoking, then continue to support my work for the past 13 years. Watch this space because there is much more to come

Father's Day 2024 in the #UK and #USA

#CityImages shares the following podcast with some words of wisdom and warning to parents. with a dose of tough love.…

The introduction of #socialmedia and #smartphones into all aspects of our lives is the subject of this important podcast which discusses the impact this is having on us individually, collectively, and, perhaps most urgently, what effect this is having on our #childrenJonathan Haidt Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business arguably one of the world’s most eminent psychologists explains the #GreatRewiring of Childhood Is Causing an #Epidemic of #Mentalillness

❌ The fundamental differences between online and real-world interactions affect young people's social, emotional, and cognitive development.

❌ #Girls face unique risks on social media, from #damaged #relationships and #reputations to harassment, and how #gaming and #pornographyare shaping boys' expectations of relationships.

❌ 24% of 5-7-year-old kids in the UK have #experienceblockers (ie smartphones)

❌ The decline in teen mental health is linked to the widespread adoption of smartphones and social media. 

✅ There is a need for collective action to create healthier norms around technology use at home and in schools.

✅ Setting clear boundaries and prioritizing hobbies and family time. 

✅ Jonathan remains optimistic that we're nearing a tipping point and outlines four key norms we can all adopt with our children—even if they’re already dependent on their phones throughout the day.

✅ Schools can do more to help their students have less screen time and the importance of collaborating with other families to support healthier habits.

✅ As a society, we can come together to raise awareness and take purposeful action, we can create a healthier future for the next generation.

Actions to take

➡️ More unsupervised play: allows children to gain social skills and become autonomous adults

➡️ No smartphones before 14: limit usage to dumbphones

➡️ No social media before 16: protect those in the most vulnerable stages of brain development

➡️ Our son graduated from a Phone-free school: It stores devices to promote real-life interaction, connection, and focus

#fakefook #meta #google #snap #tiktok #Instagram

A woman called Sonora Smart Dodd was an influential figure in the establishment of Father's Day. Her father raised six children by himself after the death of their mother. This was uncommon at that time, as many widowers placed their children in the care of others or quickly married again.

Anna Jarvis promoted Mother's Day celebrations. for her father's recognition. Father's Day was held in June was in 1910

#RobotRob Image; My youngest grandchild, sever year old OLIVIA