Submitted by ub on

After Ni Hao “hello” learning to say ‘yes’ and “no” in Chinese could be valuable. Learning to say “yes” is usually one of the first things you learn when studying a new language. Unfortunately, in Chinese, there’s no direct equivalent to the English “yes.” Except, 是 (🔈 shì)!

However, there are a dozen ways to refuse, just say no 🔈 不要 bùyào!

Saying “no” is a conversational skill. That’s especially true in China, where you’re going to receive all sorts of offers to buy a bootleg ROLEX on the streets of Shanghai and other things.

不是 bùshì (pronounced "búshì") no incorrect

不是的 bùshìde (pronounced "búshìde") no incorrect

 bùno (abrupt, can be impolite)

不对 bùduì (pronounced "búduì") no incorrect

不行 bùxíngno (can be impolite)

不可以 bù kěyǐno, you can't/may not

不可能 bù kěnéngimpossible/no way can be impolite

不用 bùyòng (pronounced "búyòng") No, thanks polite

没有 méiyǒuno

不好意思 bù hǎoyìsi + explanationsorry (polite)

抱歉 bàoqiàn + explanation-sorry polite

不会 bùhuì (pronounced "búhuì" No, [I] can't

不要 b ù yào (pronounced "búyào" No, [I] don't want to/don't want it

不喜欢 bù xǐhuānNo, [I] don't like it

I am glad that when I asked my future in-laws if I could marry their youngest daughter that they did not say these NOs.

Also, three suggestions that could help you get noticed and perhaps even accepted if you try really hard.

1/ Wear red, 2/ Be kind and direct 3/ Make her laugh 😆 Finally, this will require some research. try it, she will 👍 like it.

尝试 (1) 对您的口头示好保持直接和诚实,(2) 确保您的着装适合这个场合,以及 (3) 使用不具威胁性的幽默来缓和气氛。
On the other hand, I confess to being a wannabe Latin lover, so when I met my future mother in law, 
I tried giving her a hug and quickly learned that was a NO - NO.
Hànzì Pīnyīn Definition
不是 bùshì (pronounced "búshì") no/incorrect
不是的 bùshìde (pronounced "búshìde") no/incorrect
no (abrupt, can be impolite)
不对 bùduì (pronounced "búduì") no/incorrect
不行 bùxíng no (can be impolite)
不可以 bù kěyǐ no, [you] can't/may not
不可能 bù kěnéng impossible/no way (can be impolite)
不用 bùyòng (pronounced "búyòng") no, thanks (polite)
没有 méiyǒu no
不好意思 bù hǎoyìsi + explanation sorry (polite)
抱歉 bàoqiàn + explanation sorry (polite)
不会 bùhuì (pronounced "búhuì") No, [I] can't
不要 bù yào (pronounced "búyào") No, [I] don't want to/don't want it
不喜欢 bù xǐhuān No, [I] don't like it