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The most peaceful places to live In America lack noise, plentiful green spaces, and access to fresh air and transportation.

The following destinations have been identified as some of the most peaceful places in the US to live and relax in relative safety,

  •  Less noise + more nature = a peaceful living environment with benefits for physical and mental health. 
  •  US towns and cities stand out for their low noise levels and abundance of green spaces for relaxation. 
  •  Access to outdoor spaces in the most peaceful cities in the US offers activities and well-being among residents.

According to published reports, the Center for Disease Control study lists lack of sleep and reduced productivity as adverse health conditions resulting from a noisy environment. On the other side of the coin, access to nature provides a sense of relaxation, psychological restoration, and better cardiovascular health. Less noise pollution + more outdoor time = peaceful.

Finding moments of silence can have significant psychological and mental health advantages and give you a greater sense of peace.

With all of the constant noise you hear on a day-to-day basis, embracing silence can help stimulate your brain and help you process information. It can also help you become more self-aware and relieve stress.

Embracing silence may also help you settle into the present moment and quiet any racing thoughts. It can also help you be more creative and improve your concentration and focus.

With a bit of practice, you can reap the benefits of silence and improve your mental health and well-being.

Whether seeking tranquil towns in the least stressed US states to relocate permanently or a Zen getaway spot, these cities offer true peace. Data for this study includes comparing noise levels, measured in A-weighted decibels, a unit of sound measurement abbreviated dBA, and access to parks and other green spaces. These eight US cities are the top-ranked spots with lower noise levels and plenty of places to enjoy the mental and physical aspects of being outdoors.