Submitted by ub on

Shots fired at Trump rally in Pennsylvania. We must condemn violence. More news from AP and Reuters is offered below.

The near miss at the Pennsylvania rally is miraculous, and it could be a redemptive political moment for gun safety and the NRA.

Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

The federal judge presiding over the classified documents case against ex-President Donald Trump in Florida has dismissed the prosecution. U.S.

RNC 2024 live updates: Trump names J.D. Vance as his VP pick; Republican convention kicks off

Donald Trump received enough convention delegate votes to become the Republican presidential nominee.

His last VP’s last name also ended in NCE and the cult wanted to see him dead… Remember 1/6 on The Capitol?

Meanwhile a 20-year-old gunman attempted to assassinate Donald Trump at his political rally in Pennsylvania yesterday. Another brazen act of political violence since an attempt on Ronald Reagan's life 43 years ago.

- Trump is recovering after he was injured in the right ear
- FBI identified the gunman as Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, outside Pittsburgh
- Shooter was registered to vote as a Republican
- FBI investigates motives.
- President Joe Biden, who is in a razor's edge race with Trump, and a host of Republican and Democratic politicians condemned the shooting…

We the people should use our energy and focus it on doing something positive right now. Tell Congress to ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines and pass comprehensive legislation to reduce gun violence.

Meanwhile, cracks in the Conservative Republican Party are the real proof in this National American Referendum. Conservatives vs Liberals?…

Days before the scheduled convicted felon and conman is threatening to attend a National Republican CON -VENTION?

Democracy, decency, or ???   Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Plan to Contest a Trump Defeat by trying to short-circuit the election system.…

We’ve all read this script before. A bored Boy who cried “Wolf!” to get attention. He did it again and people came. A third time the Boy was ignored. Goodbye! 

A liar will never be believed, even when telling the truth.   FABLES OF AESOP

The elephant was not intentionally decided or chosen to represent the Republican Party. The symbol was first used as a political symbol in 1864 during Lincoln’s campaign and also in 1872 by the Harper’s. However, Thomas Nest is credited with popularizing the symbol.

He first published it in Harper’s Weekly in 1874 under “The Third Panic”.In his drawing, Nast depicted a donkey clothed in a lion’s skin scaring and chasing away the animals in the zoo, including the elephant which was labeled “the Republican vote.” The elephant was shown as standing near a pit.

The cartoon portrayed Nast’s frustration with the Republicans, the party that he had supported since its emergence in New York. He felt that the party was straying away from social liberalism.…

My professional journalism professor who helped train me during a college internship points out...

Abe, McKinley, Jack, Bobby, Martin, Malcolm, Reagan, Scalise, and a few I must have forgotten... bring back the Wild West motif from the 19th century...a shameful part of our history. I wish it weren't so...Trump was more than lucky!

A look at the history of presidential assassination attempts in America…

My favorite supervisor wrote the following:

"Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." 

Then said the Bullet unto him, Though I shall whisper in thine ear, ye shall not hear. Though I shall tell thee, words of wisdom, ye shall not know.