Submitted by ub on

Writing from this point of view is not easy to see. Communicating your tone in writing is hard. You can’t rely on your expression or body language to help convey that you’re trying to express genuine concern or know you’re right but are trying to be polite. Your reader has to figure all that out from your words alone.

SEMANTICS Lets us express the affordances for...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2tzEil5TL0

Comunicar por escrito con punto de vista es difícil. No puede confiar en su expresión o lenguaje corporal para ayudar a transmitir que está tratando de expresar una preocupación genuina, o que sabe que tiene razón pero está tratando de ser cortés al respecto. Su lector tiene que averiguar todo eso solo con sus palabras.

Who's on first? https://www.grammarly.com/blog/first-second-and-third-person/