Submitted by ub on

The real purpose in our life is not what we decide to do in our chosen career, or what we get paid to do professionally for a living.

Our purpose is what happens to others when we do what we do. These are aim, design, endgame, goal, good intentions, and objectives. While all these words mean "what one accomplishes or attains," purpose suggests a more settled determination.

Do we love what we do to others when we do what we like to do? That is the real meaning of our purpose for being who we have become. 

The purpose is an abiding intention to achieve a long-term goal that is both personally meaningful and makes a positive mark on the world.

Furthermore, with the political landscape as heated as ever in the run-up to Election 2024, it's easy to forget that February still brings a day dedicated not to partisan disputes, but to the celebration of LOVE, Love love... etc.

How To Find Purpose 1. Provide 2. Protect 3. Teach 4. Explore 5. Conquer 6. Faith 7. Accumulate 8. Create 9. Help