Submitted by ub on

A prank or pretense perpetrated or assumed in mock seriousness; hoax; spoof. affected manner or behavior; pretentiousness.

After 852 days of Russia’s Putin committing war crimes by intentionally targeting and killing Ukrainian civilians, the Kremlin is mightily crying foul and essentially accusing Ukraine and the United States of violating the Geneva Conventions.

On Sunday, at least four Russian civilians were killed when a beach in Sevastopol, the largest city in Russian-occupied Crimea, was struck by explosives of yet-to-be confirmed origin. More than 150 others were reported injured.

Beyond simply projecting Russia’s murderous modus operandi that by design intentionally targets Ukrainian civilians, Putin’s motives are even more insidious.

Nuclear drills, threats to Western capitals.... and then a desperate peace offering: Military experts explain why flailing Putin has reached his 'high water mark' in Ukraine... and how the frontline tide could soon turn on him


Congratulations to the United States and European Union for imposing severe sanctions on Russia's gas exports, especially liquified natural gas. Inexplicably, former Russian president and Putin stooge Dmitry Medvedev ranted on his social media both that such sanctions have no serious impact on the Russian economy and since every statement is a lie, he is vowing the most vicious revenge for hurting his people. This is another crippling consequence of Putin's disastrous and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, the utter implosion of Russia's petrochemical industry. Once Russia's biggest customer, Europe has switched to alternative sources for gas, driving Russia's companies to sell its assets to the Chinese.

Months at War -28
Casualties - 535,000🌻
Victories - 0
Ruble - 🧻
Economy - 🤪
War crimes - ♾
ISIS - Attacking Russia
Ammo - 🇰🇵
South Korea - Pro Ukraine
Crimea - 💥
Air defence - what doing?
Red lines - Crossed
ATACMS - Unleashed
F-16s - Inbound

In July, Russia will be take on the chairmanship of the United Nations Security Council.

A country which is waging an illegal war and committing a mass genocide is chairing the UNSC, which was created with a purpose to “determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression” and to take the necessary military and non-military actions to “restore international peace and security.”