Submitted by ub on

Whatever liar, cheat, fraud, twice impeached, voted out of office, and convicted felon #DonOld says is usually fake news.

Real News is about the exception. It is not about the dozens of airplanes that successfully took off and landed safely. News is also not Views. It is verified and sourced current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, mail, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of witnesses to events.

‘Whatever a serial liar says should be ignored until it is intensely investigated, which is the reason why well established organizations like The Association Press are more important than ever.

Question everything and keep in mind The Five Ws is a checklist used in journalism to ensure that the "lead" or "lede" contains all the essential points of a story. As far back as 1913, reporters were taught that the lead/lede should answer these questions:

  • Who? - Asking about a person or animal
  • What? - Asking about an object or action
  • When? - Asking about a time
  • Where? - Asking about a place
  • Why? - Asking about a reason or cause
  • How? - Asking about the way something occurs 

In modern times, journalism students are still taught that these are the fundamental six questions of newswriting.[3] Reporters also use the "5 Ws" to guide research and interviews and to raise important ethical questions, such as "How do you know that?".

In the fourteenth century, news literally meant "new things," from a Latin root, nova, or "new." The phrase "no news is good news" has been around since the 1600s.

  • Impact. Arguably the most important element is whether the content should interest the audience. ... 
  • Proximity is important. 
  • Timeliness. News consumers expect current information about
  • Conflict. ... 
  • Human Interest. ... 
  • Novelty and Oddity Features

It has been said that it is the first draft of history. Professionals and so-called citizen journalists be very careful of what you report. Remember to fact check. When in doubt, leave it out.

Finally, anyone who says legal immigrants are not welcome in the USA should take a look in the mirror and check your facts. Please know that closing the border and kicking out those who entered legally is not a pressing priority for our nation. It’s an egregious and dangerous message with dark and offensive undertones that creates stereotypes of foreigners..