Submitted by ub on

They can kiss 2024 goodbye. There is no path to being a serious presidential nominee even with the dwindling MAGA Posse.

Oh what a tangled mess #Republicans have woven not to mention the mess they've made. Before The Grand Old Party destroyed all sense of political norms, it was conventional wisdom that sitting or former vice presidents tend to become their respective party's nominee for president if they decided to campaign and run for the top job. This has been the norm since the 194O. But there's nothing normal about the political hole the Republicans have dug themselves into as a pathway to the GOP nomination.

The #Trump #Pence four years were the most cringeworthy, dysfunctional relationships inside The White House history. And what did they get from it? They lost support, got scorn and ridicule by being impeached twice, then defeated, and now about to be indicted.

Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Jr. and Ivanka Trump have 21 days to answer questions under oath now that a judge has ruled that they must testify in a New York-based investigation.…

The Republicans are losing steam faster than most realize. But The Donald remains too popular inside his party to defeat or challenge. That portends a contentious 2022 and perhaps 2024 cycle WITHIN the #GOP.…

