Why does Putin allow Russian citizens to become soft targets while he attacks neighboring nations who have not threatened them?
Hundreds of innocent people were slaughtered or seriously injured in a nearby Moscow neighborhood.
These are four suspects in the shooting attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue, from left: Saidakrami Murodali Rachabalizoda, Shamsidin Fariduni, Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, and Muhammadsobir Fayzov. - Yulia Morozova/. ISIS members.
According to published reports, Putin is stupid and stubborn because Russia recession warning about the Moscow terror attack and it now may drive a wedge between Russia and longtime allies
- Russia says suspects in the Moscow terror attack came from Tajikistan, the country denies it.
- Tajikistan and Russia were staunch allies, but tensions keep growing between them.
- Tensions are growing between Russia and other former Soviet republics.
Meanwhile, Ukrainians have damaged additional Russian spy warships during missile strikes by Ukraine – meaning Vladimir Putin has lost more than a quarter of his naval fleet in the war.
Mad Vlad keeps lying to cover up for his SHORT misgivings where he is not only losing his might but also losing the fight for the public’s opinion.
It's naive to think that this RED plague won't reach other countries - it will, sooner or later, in this or that form, if the politicians keep procrastinating and playing tricky games willing to have wolves satiated, while keeping sheep intact. It doesn't work that way with russia!
That werewolf will swallow you without additional spices, as soon as he finishes Ukraine...
Putin says the Moscow attack was carried out by "radical Islamists." But he also blames Ukraine
Macron says Islamists who hit Russia had tried to attack France https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/macron-it-would-be-cynical-counter…
ISIS behind brutal Moscow terror attack, France tells Russia, as Kremlin points to Ukraine