Submitted by ub on

Let's get one thing clear. I am not a Democrat or Republican. I am a No Party Affiliated registered voter in Florida, along with more than 3.5 million Floridians who make up 26% of Florida's registered voters who probably are fed up with the highly partisan politics of of the day.

Not every state or territory of the United States allows voters to choose to identify their political party preference. As of March 2024, only 30 states and the US Virgin Islands allow voters to pick a party preference.

A total of 45 million registered voters in these areas identified themselves as Democrats. At 38.28%, Democrats represented the single largest share of registered voters in the states and territories that allow voters to indicate partisan affiliation on their registration forms.

A total of 35.7 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans, representing 30.35% of registered voters in these areas.

A total of 32.5 million registered voters identified themselves as independents or unaffiliated with any political party. This amounted to 27.67% of registered voters in these areas.

For more detailed analysis of registered voters in USA see Ballotpedia https://ballotpedia.org/Partisan_affiliations_of_registered_voters

With this article, I am not trying to get your approval or convince you that I am right and you are wrong. I am only trying to inform and hopefully get you to think about what is at stake in this year's presidential election and get you to think about the stark contrasts between the two choices Americans have had thrust upon them by a political system that is meant to benefit political parties over individuals or country.

Did you know that in 1799, a friend of George Washington urged him to come out of retirement to run for a third term.

George Washington made his thoughts quite clear, especially when it came to new phenomena of political parties. “The line between Parties,” Washington said, had become “so clearly drawn” that politicians “regard neither truth nor decency; attacking every character, without respect to persons – Public or Private, – who happen to differ from themselves in Politics.”

Given the fractured state of American politics, I think the majority of Americans would agree with me that our problem today are not the "individual candidates" for elected office, but rather the political parties themselves. Americans have lost their way and have been "convinced" that we should choose sides as if we were still fighting the Civil War, when in fact, most Americans, and those seeking refuge in the greatest country the world has ever known, pretty much all want the same thing, "LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF JUSTICE" and our INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM.

IS THIS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND? "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I still believe that the majority of us love American and what it stands for, even though we recognize it is not perfect and there is plenty of room for improvement, but there is no place on earth that can even compare to the freedoms and opportunities that Americans enjoy. That is why we are the envy of the world.


That is why I am voting for President Biden, although I certainly do not agree with all of his his policies, but I admire his love for America, his principles, integrity, and his support for for the U.S. Constitution and RULE of LAW.

Every American should be concerned about recent developments by SCOTUS aimed to reverse decades of hard work on the environment, civil rights, criminal law, and America's democracy.

In the Trump vs. United States case (the title of the case says it all), SCOTUS has given PRESIDENT BIDEN an unprecedented opportunity to fulfill and act on the OATH OF OFFICE" he took on January 20, 2021.

I urge every elected or appointed official who can provide advice and counsel to PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN, to review the SCOTUS OPINION in Trump vs United States, to determine what 'OFFICIAL ACTS" President BIDEN can take to "PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND" the Constitution of the United States from further attack from America's domestic enemies, whomever they may be and including those who may be local, state, or federal elected or appointed officials, who represent a "clear and present threat and danger" to the nation's national security.

I believe that JOE BIDEN is sincere when he says he is committed to doing what is best for America and Americans. If, in fact, he truly believes in the OATH OF OFFICE he took to "PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND" the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" against foreign and domestic enemies, then he MUST ACT NOW, without further delay to carry out that duty.

A CHOICE that MUST be taken immediately if America is to survive as a country that respects the RULE of LAW. President Biden MUST use newly vested powers of the Presidency as enumerated by SCOTUS, to "PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND" the US CONSTITUTION and the rule of law in America.

I am going to be 70 years old on July 11th of this year and have never despaired for America as much as I do right now. I URGE and IMPLORE President Biden to take action now, especially "in such a rime as these" when two of our democratic institutions (Republicans in Congress and SCOTUS) are FAILING AMERICA by refusing to ABIDE BY THE RULE OF LAW.

AMERICA is on the cusp of losing 240 years of liberty, freedom and the very foundations of our republic. Lest we forget, the MAGNA CARTA was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself. was instrumental in setting forth the ideals found in America's Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

If PRESIDENT BIDEN does not use the PRESIDENTIAL POWERS conferred upon him by SCOTUS, then America will be lost and all his years of public service will have been for naught, flushed down the toilet, along with America's freedoms!  If President BIDEN does not use his new powers pursuant to "official acts" to intervene to "DEFEND AND PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION", then I am afraid, he will be remembered as just another one of the cast members who NEGLECTED his duty to America and its constitution, and will be no different from those who seek to destroy our nation from within.

EVERY AMERICAN who has a platform or megaphone should be rallying behind PRESIDENT BIDEN and DEMAND that he use the new powers vested in the Presidency by SCOTUS, to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to DEFEND and PROTECT the Constitution of the United States and the RULE OF LAW.

Those who clearly see TRUMP as a "clear & present danger " to America, know full well that if TRUMP wins in 2024, he will use those new powers of the Presidency as conferred by SCOTUS, for self-serving interests and to dismantle 240 years of liberty and freedom.

Many scholars and national security experts are gravely concerned and are warning that the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity poses a “direct threat” to democracy and the rule of law and raised concerns about a second term under Donald Trump.

The Supreme Court handed down a PARTISAN, 6-3 decision, ruling along ideological lines that presidents have ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY for actions that fall within the core responsibilities of their office and are “at least presumptively immune” for all other official acts.

BIDEN MUST ACT NOW to prevent the unthinkable, the unacceptable, and the unjustifiable

I would suggest that no matter your faith or party affiliation, if you love your family, children and grandchildren and want to preserve the freedoms that have made AMERICA the greatest nation on earth and have served us well for the past 240 years, you should use whatever platform or megaphone you may have to URGE PRESIDENT BIDEN to use his new SCOTUS approve presidential powers to "PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND" our Constitution and RULE OF LAW.

This is my personal opinion and not that of Veteran Housing Corp

By: Reydel Santos

Well seasoned nonprofit executive and advocate for veterans and affordable housing.

