Submitted by ub on

There is a distinct difference between fake news and fake views and the recent Republican Party has managed to embrace both Chier.

We are deeply concerned about the current state of political affairs in the United States, particularly within the Republican Party. Here are some key points highlighted in our statement:

Fake News vs. Fake Views: We distinguish between fake news, which involves the dissemination of false information, and fake views, which refer to the adoption of insincere or opportunistic positions for political gain.

Degradation of Leadership: We express disappointment in the direction of the Republican Party, noting a departure from the principles espoused by past administrations, such as those of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. The last truly qualified GOP administration.

Cult-Like Behavior: We characterize the current state of the GOP as resembling a cult, with members prioritizing allegiance to Donald Trump over adherence to traditional conservative values or constitutional principles.

Lack of Conscience and Integrity: We criticize Republican lawmakers for prioritizing personal gain and political expediency over upholding democratic norms, the rule of law, and the U.S. Constitution.

Performative Politics: We highlight the performative nature of contemporary politics, where politicians prioritize actions aimed at pleasing their base and securing reelection, rather than addressing real-world challenges facing the country.

Concern for National Security: We express concern that the current political climate, characterized by division and polarization, may undermine national security by distracting policymakers from addressing genuine threats posed by external adversaries.

Overall, Our statement reflects a deep sense of disillusionment with the current state of American politics, particularly within the Republican Party, and a belief that the prioritization of political expediency over principles and integrity poses significant risks to the nation's well-beAs a former GOP media manager but a proud US citizen NPA with no political affiliation, I am afraid of what this future holds, my fellow Americans, because the fake fraud leadership has destroyed what used to be the Reagan and Bush administrations, which dismantled the Soviet Union

The majority of US Senators and Congress members are fake and the G.O.P. has become a crazy cult with no coherent platform other than what side of the toilet Trump stood up from in other words pardon my French, they are all full of Merde, aka Crazy Sh*t.None of them have a conscience or will stand up for The US Constitution or the rule of law, nor democracy for anything else for that matter other than staying in Trump’s good graces by saying whatever he tells them to say and licking his filth-like stray cats.

The entire group has allowed themselves to become trapped in a performative doom loop that has nothing to do with acting on American interests. It’s only about performing for the criminal defendant the sexual predator, and for his base to get more clicks, to get more donations, to get more votes, to get reelected, and then perform again for more clicks. Rinse and repeat — the real world be damned. It is all fake. Only our enemies are not fake. and in whose good graces would the former guy like to stay?

The Republicans plan is to continue to lie and American  may not vote against them till they see the whites of their eyes which is one of the most famous quotations to come out of the Revolutionary War. According to hallowed American tradition, for the Battle for Capitol Hill.