Submitted by ub on

While the National Nursing Home aka the US Senate tries to fill the expanding void The Out House begins to burn from within.

Meanwhile, Republicans vowed to stay in the rat race for the speaker's gavel  NOT IN OUR DISTRICT - YOU’RE FIRED!

it’s never too soon to say something you know it’s right. I had an individual tell me I was the problem because I was not registered with a political party. I tried y]to explain that it is my choice as an adult, but he is thick as a brick.

US voters should drop all of the toxic party members they and Americans could now consider leaving the GOP. In fact, we should party like it's 2023 and reject all political parties. *

Whether you’re interested in the truth, science, or living with less stress. Our happiness is about self-improvement. Research tells us to say no to politics, social media, alcohol or stimulants, and sweets. Perhaps some people give up these things for the sake of discomfort. but studies strongly suspect that most people are looking for an excuse to make a hard change that will benefit them, and make their lives happier in the long run. 

The happiness benefits of quitting a toxic environment are backed up by plenty of social science. Therefore, it may be wise to just leave all political parties and become the master of your voting choice, depending on your personal lifestyle and beliefs.

Drive out The Democrats. Reject The Republicans. Vote All American!

These times and the moment demands independent American leadership- Not Republican, or Democrat.

Show me the way... Everyone may wish to govern, but it doesn't come easy, folks.


Americans don’t leave their First Amendment freedoms secured at their front doors. When we use their platforms and prominence to speak out, this is what it means to live in a country where ideas are vigorously and openly discussed.

Next time you hear someone say anyone should “shut up,” it’s worth reminding them that free speech isn’t a right or concept reserved for certain people or professions. That undercuts the very idea of free speech being free and unrestricted.

The same First Amendment ideals that ensure people’s right to criticize protests buoy us to use our platform to advance a cause.

In 1799, George Washington's response when asked to run for a third term as President and warning about political parties