After hearing from my favorite grandson Parker, who will soon be a teenager, I got to thinking about what I did when I was his age.
He tells me that he now has a crush on a girl in school, so when we said goodbye I recalled watching a favorite black-and-white sitcom called Dobie Gillis.
I flashback to Auguste Rodin (1840–1917) originally conceived of The Thinker as representing Dante in his larger work The Gates of Hell.
The pose is one of deep thought and contemplation, and the statue is often used as an image to represent philosophy. This and many other works by Rodin were groundbreaking for modernism and heralded a new age of three-dimensional artistic creation.
I hope they both get together and move on to their next level and on to junior high school.
In this pre Valentine’s Day Weekend I hope and pray that all couples enjoy their romantic 💘 existence together and others who have not yet found their partner… Learn to love ❤️ yourself.