Submitted by ub on

The best solution and the key to saving democracy in the United States of America is Citizen Participation and public engagement.

While the nation appears increasingly divided, it is up to all US citizens to become registered voters and to cast their ballots for the best political candidates, not to vote along party lines.

The right of every American is to do the work and research all the candidates you are being asked to vote for and make a decision based on your needs and beliefs.

Our responsibility is to register and vote! is a nonpartisan nonprofit that is committed to advocating for voters in every state, creatively building tech and partnerships, reaching voters where they are, and fighting against harmful voter suppression laws in court.

The rapid technological transformation, the new possibilities for obtaining information
and the enormous use of social networks has created hyperconnected societies with a lot
of information at their fingertips and more affordable technologies to exchange it.

This has meant that the citizen has gone from being only a consumer to also becoming a
distributor and has transformed the speed with which information spreads, the distance
it travels, and the ease of accessing it.

Although propaganda and information manipulation are very old, the democratization of the Internet has amplified the capacity for the development and expansion of disinformation.

Complex and laborious campaigns are no longer required, now all you need is a smartphone
and a person connected for a few seconds. Its objective is to deliberately spread false
information and generate stories that create confusion, discord, and social fragmentation.

At the international level, it seeks to destabilize rival countries; at the national level,
divert attention from real problems, polarize or favor narratives.
