Submitted by ub on

In their final ruling of the term, SCOTUS says POTUS has full immunity for official acts while in office. Felon Don seeing or being stars?…

Ronald Reagan was not Trump for he retired gracefully, once the film was finished. But the scenarios writers were kept busy. The ‘cowboy Catholic’ head of the Heritage Foundation is on a mission to align the right behind Trumpism and has a plan in place to overturn the American government as it exists if Trump returns to power…

The President shall receive in full for his services during the term for which he shall have been elected compensation in the aggregate amount of $400,000 a year, to be paid monthly, and in addition, an expense allowance of $50,000 to assist in defraying expenses relating to his job.  US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts!

Ay Dios Mio, or WTF?  Lock Trump Up. and all his disciples and two-bit cronies who lead a crass cult supporting nothing but hate. Book Don up!

Ban them Danno…

Most Teledrama viewers know the TV police drama Hawaii Five-O, first starring Jack Lord as Detective Steve McGarrett ran from 1968 through 1980. It was reprised in 2010 with a new set of characters running for another ten years.  “Book ‘em Danno.” was a phrase often delivered by McGarrett to his fictional sidekick, Danny “Danno” Williams. It was a cliché meant to authorize the arrest of a suspect, bringing to conclusion another Five-O squad’s successful efforts at crime fighting. 

The winner here is President Biden. The January 6th case moved forward. But President Joe Biden can pretty much do whatever he wants as long as it’s in an “official capacity”. Biden is an old public service workhorse and a hood person.…

His opponent is an old felon's pig.

After all is said and done… Disappointed dames Will save our great nation.
