Submitted by ub on
Two-bit goon and Liar

Donal dragged the entire country and the whole world through bloody hell because his Electoral College loss was an embarrassment.

The American judicial system has wasted 21 months since January six dotting the I and crossing the t following his violent coup that fortunately was fended off. Also on 11/ 6 it will be a decade since Trump called for "Revolution" it's time to lock him up and throwaway the key.

He has been a morbid mortification to educated, level headed and free thinking humans on earth who watch him destroy everything he touched and everyone who enters his inner circle aka WAITING FOR GOP DON INFERNO with just one caveat. 

The Inferno is about Dante’s journey into Hell. Guided by the poet Virgil, Dante descends through the Nine Circles of Hell, eventually arriving at the center where Satan himself resides. After escaping Hell, Dante and Virgil will go on to Purgatory and then Dante may never get to Heaven.

In another literary classic Becket’s Waiting For Godot was a true innovation in drama and the Theater of the Absurd first theatrical success. The play consists of Vladimir waiting for the arrival of the mysterious Godot, who continually sends word that he will appear but who never ever delivers and does not show up..

Donald will ultimately experience the same kind of difficulties that he has brought on to the whole world, who are watching and waiting. Therefore Trump will reap what he had managed to sow.

"You reap what you sow" is a well-known idiom, but this principle is also Biblical.

God said to Moses, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19.

And so it goes…

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