Want to Be A Star?

Submitted by ub on

Do you want to be a journalist, a news star, or a famous celebrity? I've had different students who have said at least one of these.

As you can imagine, it is about reaching the highest ambitions of journalism, producing excellent content and hyperlocal in approach and relevant to the community served.

Some become your reporters become disappointed because they wrongfully think it is an easy job that does not require hard work, difficult decisions, and personal sacrifices.

Being a good journalist does not make you, or anyone a celebrity, well perhaps some, but not immediately. in fact, the star is the place or platform in which we serve and journalist is now listed as the most-regretted college majors.

The top 10 most-regretted college majors — and the degrees graduates wish they had pursued instead


As long as you represent yourself as a solid professional who doe not accept favors or freebies and does not try to be a nice guy, or gal, then you're on the right track to asking questions and probing for more answers.

Another thing, I worked for an old and established news organization and wheel on the job, I never express my personal opinion.

Opinion | Nobody wants to be a journalist https://dailyillini.com/opinions-stories/2023/01/24/opinion-nobody-want…

The first newspaper strike of the digital age stretches into a new year

When staff at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette walked off the job 100 days ago, they became the first newspaper to strike in decades. They’ve already been followed by more.

https://www.niemanlab.org/2023/01/the-first-newspaper-strike-of-the-dig…  Meanwhile, a photographer visited more than 100 newspapers in rural Kansas  https://www.poynter.org/business-work/2023/jeremiah-ariaz-photographer-…
