The Best?

Submitted by ub on
You Rock!

The following are compiled lists of the best rock n roll bands in history along with the greatest guitar geniuses ever to perform.

Was it Elvis, who In 1954 made the rock sound around an image of a handsome white singer, Elvis Presley, who meshed country into soul music?

Please take a look and see if you agree with the following articles and feel free to post your response below.

35 Of The Greatest And Most Influential Rock Bands In History

Who are they? The 100 Best Rock Bands of All Time for When You Want to Rock and Roll All Night

The World’s Greatest Rock Bands and Lead Guitarists!!!

The rock and roll style of popular music originated in the United States in the mid-1950s and that evolved by the mid-1960s into the more encompassing international style known as rock music, though the latter also continued to be known as rock and roll.

30 Best Rock Bands of All Time

Top 10 Greatest Rock Bands |

Greatest Rock Bands Ever - Guitar Junky


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