Submitted by ub on

Every one of his accusations is a confession and everybody everywhere on earth should certainly know this and it is obvious.

The American election was not rigged. The US justice system is not corrupt. These messages are spread by Russian Bots. This blog has been a target of hundreds of them and they continue to attack. Putin, who is Donald’s handler keeps trying to help him steal another election. He vowed to destroy the USA since a previous administration dismantled the former Soviet Union.

The free world should be deeply concerned about the actions and rhetoric of Trump and his pose, especially regarding their views on the Rule of Law and American democracy. While expressing frustration and even anger at their stance is understandable, it's important to remember that advocating for their exile or removal from the country might not align with democratic principles. In a democracy, individuals have the right to hold and express their opinions, even if they are unpopular or contentious.

Instead of resorting to extreme measures, perhaps there are more constructive ways to engage with and challenge their viewpoints. Civil discourse, education, and active participation in the democratic process can all play a role in addressing concerns about the direction of the country and the worldwide behavior of its leaders. It's essential to uphold the values of democracy, including the right to dissent and the rule of law, even in the face of strong disagreement. 

‘There are dozens of nations that are saying the same about Agent Orange that he says about those wanting to come to the US. Trump says they are animals and not humans. and yet another accusation that is a confession. and another projection.

Trump’s long road of legal troubles may end here. He still faces three other ongoing criminal cases. They’re a long way off from being resolved.…

Trump's guilty verdict: A stress test for democracy. Being found guilty of 34 felony counts would normally mark the end of someone's political prospects. But as longtime Trump chronicler Michael Wolff notes, the former president has built his career, and brand, on grievances – and this week's conviction in a New York courtroom is not stopping Trump from running for another term in the White House.…

When Donald J. Trump was found guilty on all counts in the hush money trial, some in the press were caught off guard. But the former president and conservative pundits primed for this result with a strategic messaging campaign. On this week’s On the Media, hear how Trump uses Truth Social to disseminate talking points to a web of right-wing influencers.…