This morning I saw kids just like me, a former political refugee, in danger and frightened of the unknown as they flee from Communism.
Woke up today only to find this image of a child fleeing from Ukraine after Russia's invasion. His hand gestures while waiting for a lift towards a new life.
I recalled this image of being separated from my grandmother, Charity as I gave up hope and kept all faith in my loving, well-educated, and intelligent parents who decided to take our family to freedom and leave everything behind. Anyone who has ever had to flee from Communism is reliving this terrible trauma.
Goodbyes have been repeated across Ukraine in the week since Russia invaded. Those leaving are overwhelmingly women and children as Ukrainian men have been ordered to stay and fight in the war. ap news https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-europe-d9216cfa7cac9ec25…
Children look out from an evacuation train from Kyiv to Lviv, saying goodbye to their father at Kyiv central train station as the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues https://www.reutersagency.com/en/coverage/people-wait-to-board-an-evacu…
Many children are forced to shelter in a safe space while occupying forces attack cities and street fighting continues. For others, it has meant fleeing their homeland in a scramble to escape, leaving homes and families, and traveling in hopes of being allowed to enter a safer nation. However, not all are as fortunate. Some kids are killed or seriously injured during these horrible conflicts. These kids are the ones who bear the brunt of Russian bombs and violent attacks.
The risk of a nuclear war is now the highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis
You see, I was born in the Pearl of The Caribbean in mid-October so The Cuban Missile Crisis, which is also known as the October Crisis is one week I will never forget, The Caribbean Crisis, or the Missile Scare, was the longest month in my lifetime. I recall watching real executions on television. It was fate that fortunately be welcome with open arms to the USA and receive an American education, which offered opportunities, including being recruited by and serving for a former POTUS. It was Presidents Reagan and HW Bush, my boss who helped end the Soviet Union.
I stay on top of this developing story with the world's oldest journalism organizations, which are my two favorite and the most reliable news sources: The AP https://apnews.com/ and Reuters https://www.reuters.com/ I just learned about a 6-year-old who was hit during shelling and taken to a nearby hospital but died as doctors and family members wept.
Russian society has yet to grasp what's really going on. But recent surveys indicate that 33 percent of Russians oppose their government's position.
One parting word about US politics. This is no longer the same Grand Old Party of Republican President and my former boss, #PapaBush. #DOSEOFNEWS https://politics.doseofnews.com/ #DONews https://cimages.me/ #CityImages
"What do you think of the invasion?” A text from an old friend. I will tell you later, I will respond. And so it goes as the pretty lady used to say.
Now the entire world gets an opportunity to see why all freedom-loving parents flee from Communism, Live and in Real-Time.
Reuters Image