Submitted by ub on

The excessive demand for NYC living spaces allows landlords to neglect their properties. 

Each year, New York City's Public Advocate publishes a list of the city's worst landlords to warn prospective tenants of such property owners. In 2023, the landlord at the top of the list had an average of 2,980 violations across his 15 buildings.

This does not list the shitting chitty bang bang management companies.

Who are the worst landlords and which are the evil management in NYC?

Are you thinking of moving from your building wanting to know who are the worst LLs and building management companies in the city? There are a lot of great deals but I am also aware that some of these deals come with baggage sometimes too. 

I have been living in the same NYC building that was converted into a condo for decades and we have had a few managers that have rated from bad to worst. Here is the rating for the latest one https://www.yelp.com/biz/h-s-c-management-mt-vernon-2



Consumer beware if you're searching for a rental, please take a moment to read.
