Ballots Hymn of The Republic

Submitted by ub on

Only 28% of Americans voted in the primaries in 2016, and we all know too well what happened next. If you live in Alabama, California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico or South Dakota, please know that your vote you can make a difference.

The GOP historically turns out during midterm elections, more than Democrats. Republican voters have reasons to be frustrated with POTUS who has yet to deliver on several of his highest-profile proposals, including the border wall that Mexico was going to pay for, repeal an replace Obamacare and a ban on Muslims entering the #USA.

The battle for control of Congress racks into sharper focus tonight after American citizens across eight states cast their ballots by choosing nominees in a series of hotly contested primaries.

American voters have witnessed the defamation campaign against Special Counsel Robert Mueller that right-wing pundits have also dived into. How will Republicans respond when Mueller finally releases his findings from the Russia probe? @realDonaldTrump famously said that he could murder someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it. So far he says he wants to help North Korea, China, and Russia while he keeps attacking US neighbors and European allies.

Democrats hope to nominate strong candidates in 16 US House races. In the largest race, the state of California's open primary system lets the top two vote-getters advance regardless of party affiliation. There is concern that an oversupply of candidates could result in two Republicans snagging the general election slots on the ballot.

Here’s how California’s unusual primary system works: The top two candidates (no matter which party they belong to) advance to the general election, instead of one from each party…

Meet the candidates running to be California's next governor in Tuesday's primary:

California features several races this year that Democrats hope to flip to win back control of the House. Here's a look at key districts in Tuesday's primary.

The complete list of L.A. Times endorsements in the June 2018 California primary