A blowhard is a boastful and talkative person. Boaster, braggart, bragger, line-shooter, vaunter. "blustering person," 1840, a sailor's word from 1790 as a nickname for a sailor perhaps originally a reference to weather and not primarily meaning "braggart;"
However, blow in the sense of "brag, boast, bluster, speak loudly" is attested from the 1300, and blower had been used since late 14c. as "braggart, boaster, one who speaks loudly"
The choice this time was a larger deterrent -- or be seen as a blowhard. Politicians, brands, and blowhards were the enemies, and few places were so willing to point them out to the younger set. The smoker blowhards could talk to you about smoking meat until 2038.
A sycophant is a person who tries to win favor from wealthy or influential people by flattering them. Also known as brown-nosers, teacher's pets, or suck-ups.
How to deal with a blowhard?
- Don't let them get started...Once they start, don't interrupt.
- Listen with a neutral reaction...Respond only to the core issue.
- Respond inversely to their contributions...Don't let them summarize.