Don’t miss another exciting adventure of the Bronx Write Bus on Tuesday, Aug 2nd. Learn about making movies in a hands-on workshop at the Museum of the Moving Image, hear about the secrets of screenwriting and eat a free lunch to top it off.
If you’re between the ages of 12 and 18 and are interested in exploring the city, this bus is “write” for you. Hurry up and register now – seats are going fast!
The Bronx Write Bus is a totally free summer adventure that helps Bronx youth, ages 12-18, discover new interests, make friends and gives voice to their creative instincts. For five weeks in July and August, the free Bronx Write Bus rides to arts and cultural events in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. Professional writers, visual artists and performers come along to make the experience even interesting. On Wednesday and Thursday of each week, hands-on workshops inspire the Bronx Writers to create projects that are posted on and collected in a print anthology. A healthy snack is always included
The Bronx Write Bus rolls once a week for five weeks, although students have the choice to register on a week-by-week basis. Seats are still available for each week. Don’t miss out.
A typical week’s schedule is:
11am to 4pm
Bronx Write Bus takes riders to and from cultural event in New York City
Wednesday & Thursday
11am to 2pm
Students participate in collaborative writing and creative activities at the Bronx Museum of the Arts,
1040 Grand Concourse at 165th Street
The Bronx Write Bus is sure to be a productive way for a young person to spend the summer. Participants:
acquire public speaking and performance skills, improve communication skills, build confidence and self-esteem.
The program fosters an increase in motivation and creativity. Finally, participants suffer less from the summer learning gap that often causes sub-par levels of achievement in the fall.