Submitted by ub on

April 25th 2013

Bill Stanton​ President

FredRamftl First Vice-President

Barbara Dolensek Second Vice-President

Janie Blanks​ Recording Secretary

John Doyle Corresponding Secretary

Tom Smith Treasurer

The Association will be meeting Tuesday April 30th 2013 at 7:30pm at 190 Fordham St.

There are no guests scheduled to address the general membership as of this time.

In light of recent events with Hurricane Sandy, this meeting will involve the ratification of the slate of officers chosen for President, 2nd Vice President and Recording Secretary. No nominations were made from the floor of our March meeting. The current slate of officers have agreed to stay on to serve two more years.

There will be a discussion on the following topics: Development of 222 City Island Avenue (the Italian American Home for the Aged), Development at 459 City Island Avenue (D & D Bowne Street Realty Corp.), 1 City Island Avenue (Tony’s Pier) and development at 435 Hunter Avenue (a new restaurant). The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requires comments by May 1st.

The standing committees will give a report to membership including Crime, Quality of Life, Development and Traffic. Our temporary committee on eyesores will also report.

Congressman Crowley and Councilman Vacca will be hosting a meeting at 190 Fordham Street on Thursday May 2nd at 7pm. Their guests will be FEMA and the NYC Department of Buildings to discuss the new flood maps. All are encouraged to attend.

City Island Garden Club's annual luncheon is May 23rd, cost to attend is $40 and the deadline is May 16th. Call Vivi if interested at 885-1142.

Bronx Week will be from May 9th to May 19th. Events are on the website A parade will take place on the 19th.

May 8th will be the 45th Precinct Community Council’s Annual Breakfast! The event will take place at the Villa Barone Manor (737 Throggs Neck Expressway, Bronx, NY, 10465) between 8:30-11AM. Tickets will be $15 and include a buffet breakfast. Barbara Dolensek will be honored this year. Tickets will be available for sale after the meeting.

City Island Theater Group presents Marc Camoletti’s French farce “Boeing Boeing,” directed by Nick Sala, at 8 p.m. May 3 and 4 and 3 p.m. May 5. Also 8 p.m. May 9-11. Buy tickets—which are $18 at the door, $15 for seniors and students. Reserve tickets by emailing

Please bring any concerns you may have before the Association next meeting so we can work together to correct any issues and continue to improve our neighborhood.

City Island Civic Association ​Minutes of the March 26, 2013, meeting

Bill Stanton, president, opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. The reading of the February minutes was waived and the minutes accepted as distributed. The treasurer was not in attendance.

Crime Report: Bill Stanton reported a rumor that someone on the island had passed away due to overdose, but no one knew whom he meant. An incident at the gas station and neighborhood complaints about drug activity on Reville Street seem to be related; at one point the 45th precinct was watching the house but no arrests have been made in spite of drug sale activity observed by neighbors. Last summer there were four ambulance calls to the home in question related to drug overdoses, and police have knocked on the door, but no one answers and nothing else is done. This has been going on for several years, but so far no one has been able to provide evidence that could result in a conviction.

There is the usual skunk population increase on the island now as the animals search for food. Residents were advised not to leave food out at night for any animals.

Development: The Board of Standards and Appeals last October sent Dr. Mignone’s attorney a list of questions asking for a response within 60 days. The attorney finally responded in March but BSA has still not calendared a hearing about the project. The Civic wrote to the Department of Health asking that Dr. Mignone’s application for an assisted living permit be denied; the DOH responded that he had not been granted a permit and that he had not applied for an adult housing license.

City Island Bridge replacement: A press release was sent out by the engineering firm that submitted the low bid for this project, but as of this date, there was no signed contract and no schedule for commencement of the project.

The security camera project is still moving ahead; several are now in place. Red tape tends to slow up the project, but Senator Klein’s representative will look into speeding up the process.

Paul Nani has been in touch with the 45th precinct about traffic on Easter Sunday.

Stacey from Jimmy Vacca’s office announced that the councilman is sponsoring Senior Spring Saturdays, which present music at senior citizen homes.

The nominating committee reported that the slate for the offices of President, Second Vice President, and Recording Secretary will be Bill Stanton, Barbara Dolensek, and Janie Blanks, respectively. The vote will be at the April meeting, no nominations were made from the floor.

The Sailmaker Marina reported that the parkland behind the school is now open again and that it poses a security problem. There have been cases of vandalism and theft in recent weeks, and the conditions there are dangerous because of storm damage. Work needs to be done to restore this area.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20.

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